Okay, with that out of the way, let me just apologize for the infrequent posting this week...my birthday, wife's birthday, work, not enough sleep...all sorts of excuses for you to choose from. The point is that I'm sorry and ask your forgiveness.
Now, a few quick items before I hop on my motorized bike and head to work:
1) I am in love with my iPhone. I will dedicate an entire post to it this weekend. But the short version is that this is a Magic Device full of Sorcery. I can wish for something and then 2 minutes later I have it in my hands, thanks to the App store. I'm even used to the keyboard now! Truly one of the most amazing devices I've ever owned. More to come on this one.
2) TV watch: Heroes continues to suck. Every character just does whatever now, based on the whims of the writers and the desire for gimmicky plot points: "Hey, what if HRG and Sylar are forced to work together! LOL! What if.....Hiro KILLS Ando!" Yeah. I remember when the show was more about depicting what happens when ordinary people are thrust into extraordinary circumstances. Now it's just a (bad, very bad) Saturday morning cartoon. Yes, I'm still watching--the same way I like to look at flashing lights and pretty colors. But I am completely emotionally uninvested now. I'm gazing at it, rather than being engaged. Bah. Meanwhile: House is better than ever. Really a great season so far. The Wilson storyline resolved a bit too quick, I thought---but the interaction, the friendship between those two characters is really a fine thing, especially for network TV. Finally--I'm still many episodes behind on Mad Men, but right now this is the best show on television, now that The Wire is over. You should be watching this.
3) Flash games. I'm playing tons of them for my job now. I am going to start pointing you here towards the great ones. There are many of them. For now, at least, it has discombobulated my gaming habits, as I am now absorbed in replays of 2-minute games, rather than getting lost in 20 or 30 (or, in the case of WoW, 1000+) hour games. It's not necessarily a permanent state (I'm looking forward to Dead Space this weekend), but it's been very interesting to explore this world. There are some super creative people making great games in this space.
4) Board gaming! The bug is back, thanks to my co-worker Ed and the board game group at EA, which I joined a week or so ago. I've only gone to one lunchtime session, but it was loads of fun and reminded me how much I miss doing that. We played Rio Grande's Race for the Galaxy, and of course I had no real idea what I was doing, and got my ass handed to me, but still: here's hoping I get plenty more opportunity to play, and to share my thoughts on current board games here with all you all.
5) Well, look: Now I'm gonna be late. Okay--another post coming this weekend. Meanwhile, in the spirit of the previous post, here's another Darwinian species failure for us to laugh at. Except this one's a bit more painful than funny. Unless you watch it multiple times in a row. Then it starts getting funny. Why is that?

More McCain:
^^ pro-click zone ^^
Odd picture, you'd think it's a photoshop.
A caption you say? I'll think about it, could be something about mercy and or health.
Well Jeff you had your effect on me and I started my own blog.
You should check out Sons of Anarchy on FX. It's a show about a gun-running Motorcycle Club. It's from one of the guys that did The Shield. It's only 5 or 6 eps in so you can catch up on hulu or something.
You should also be watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Easily the funniest show on TV.
I can also say I know how hard it is to be consistent on posting. I have no audience and it's really tough, I can't imagine what it's like to have a whole slew of readers clamoring for posts.
Well enjoy your day.
Completely agreed about Heroes. You've articulated exactly why I like this show less than last season (which I thought was fine, honestly). And somehow my friends will continue watch it but refuse to watch LOST!
Hey, this is sort of off-topic, but I can't figure out how to send messages or anything with Blogger. So behold! It comes here!
Back when you were talking about gaming magazines on GFW Radio, you mentioned Edge magazine - specifically how it offered in-depth articles and the like, with high quality pages, in return for a high cover price. Well, I read an issue of Edge and liked it. But that sent me back to the newsstand, hungry for more, and I picked up something else: Play.
You've probably heard about it, but if not, I'm sharing! It's an American magazine, and it does what GFW did - only their publisher is clearly letting them get away with it, because they've managed to get a larger, longer magazine out there. The previews often run into whole, two-page features and are generally written in what I would call Shawn-Elliot-style-previews. Also - you'll like this - their reviews DON'T HAVE SCORES.
The score bit especially made me think about you and your old magazine, so I thought, if you haven't heard about it, then you should give it a look. In either case, it's refreshing to know that there are magazines out there doing the good work GFW was doing - may it rest in peace.
Love the blog.
The first season, I enjoyed Heroes, but, through the horrible 2nd season and the, so far, illogical 3rd season, I'm hoping the magic will return. I'll give it a couple of more episodes but, lest it changes winds, I'm going to have to give it up.
Lost. I know it's still 3 or so months away, but man do I want the 5th season to begin.
Anyways, I present this to you, Jeff: http://djk1rby7.com/audio/a_cappella/?sort=size
Video game music, A Capella style.
Your TV musings are dead on. Especially regarding Mad Men and Heroes.
And while I'm on the subject, I owe you a huge thanks for hooking me on The Wire by mentioning it a few months back on the podcast. It's great TV.
Well no one tells me these things. Happy belated birthday, Jeff!
I'm not even following Heroes anymore. I kind of gave up after last season. I'm still stuck halfway through Mad Men Season 1 and I haven't gotten hack to it yet. Nothing else really matters TV wise once LOST comes back on.
I've been waiting for the iPhone post ever since you said that you were getting one.
I'm not even following Heroes anymore. I kind of gave up after last season. I'm still stuck halfway through Mad Men Season 1 and I haven't gotten hack to it yet. Nothing else really matters TV wise once LOST comes back on.
I've been waiting for the iPhone post ever since you said that you were getting one.
This is JJ btw.
"Larger penis skewers human's penis. Story at 11."
During the 2nd season, Heroes moved from my "watch live" list to my "watch on Tivo when I'm doing laundry" list. This season hasn't done anything to help its cause. And with Lost being multiple months away, the "watch live" list is barren. I guess that means more time for WoW and Rock Band 2.
As for Flash games, Desktop Tower Defense rules. I think GFW even did an story about DTD back in the day. Here's another cool one: Shadez.
As for McCain sticking his tongue out, he didn't know which way to go around the table to thank the moderator after the debate and went the wrong way. He stuck it just to say, I screwed up.
I agree with Turb0. www.hulu.com is a great way to catch up on shows you missed. It's easy and it's free.
And I just got my first Wire disk from Netflix, too, after hearing the discussion on the podcast a while back.
Thanks for posting Jeff. I always read.
Yes, please post links to awesome flash games. I've been in the mood for them lately.
Best flash games ever
If you like card based table top games, have you tried Munchkin?
This post confirms my suspicions that we are identical twins! (The fact that I'm 17 years younger than you and that I live halfway across the world are just mere details.)
I base this on the fact that we both have kids, we both like the same kind of games, we play board games and we're both so darned handsome. That can't be a coincidence... or maybe it is.
Anyway, I bought Race for the galaxy a while ago to have something new to play with my friends. It seemed to be a perfect game: Space, trading, diplomacy and card-based gameplay. But since we were at my friends house and his wife and kid were away for the weekend, we of course had to open that bottle of scotch that had been standing in the cupboard since forever, and by the time we were ready to start playing we were all too happy to understand the rules.
So now I'm wondering if you'd be so kind as to inform me if we should bother to try this game again in a more sober environment?
I think McCain is going for the old and nearly disabled vote.
Speaking of, who're you voting for Jeff?
Its obvious from the Mcain picture that he was about to reveal his true alien form but thought better at the last moment.
I don't know if you ever played the game Titan but thats a real fun and if I remeber does not take too long..
Picture comment "Political grab ass"
McCain was probably making some sort of derogatory impression of Obama. "Barack's all a douche like THIS, right!"
"homemade chocolate-coconut macaroons made by my daughter" - awww :D
It's called a WHITE house. Barack, stay out!
Marinated Turbot?
Wow, Stephon, that's some ignorant shit - and I voted for the other guy too.
"I knew I shouldn't of ate that last piece of humble pie!" - John McCain after the last debate.
Race for the Galaxy is amazing -- it's not too difficult, once you get a few games under your belt. But when you first start, the symbols on the cards are sort of mystical, and certain phases of the game are downright confusing, i.e. the Consume phase.
I've been in a big board game swing, lately. What's great about them, is I can actually get my wife to play a few of them, such as Puerto Rico, and the card game San Juan which is a simpler version of RftG. I'd recommend both, if you haven't tried them already.
I wish my office had a board game group!
Totally agree on that Heroes topic. At first it was worth watching for the story, hence excusing the often bad acting. Now that the story is flawed... I dunno. Huge let down.
This actually kind of surprised me that Ryan didn't talk about the show and the latest PCP..X..something podcast. :)
I am loving Dead Space so far
Agree with you assessment of Heroes
What do you think of Fringe? i think its great
A few years ago I started getting back into board gaming and have been having a blast. Have you visited www.boardgamegeek.com yet?
Also, if you end up liking Race for the Galaxy, you'd enjoy San Juan.
Here is my caption for what its worth!
News just in: Obama clinches debate by cock-punching McCain
I believe that McCain was headed the wrong way off stage, and when he realized his mistake, turned around and made that goofy face.
Like a lot of McCain's jokes, this was weird and fell flat.
What was happening in that picture is that McCain and Bob Schieffer were trying to get around the table to each other to shake hands after the debate, and both kept going opposite ways, similar to coming up to someone in a hallway and both keep going in the same direction to let the other one pass, so he made a little joke out of it. That's just a very poorly taken picture at an inopportune moment.
I take my comment back about Dead Space. not going to spoil anything for you but I now hate it (end of chap 4) and im taking it back to the store (not joking).
I nearly threw up when I saw that gif...
And they did resolve the Wilson storyline too quickly, but he was missed even for those few episodes. Wonder what this means for House's P.I. friend?
I worked in a place where one invested co-worker had a few of us playing board/card games a few lunch hours a week. It was great! I haven't played anything other than PC/video games for many, many years and it was a great exposure. He was a great fan of a German guy that made a bunch of cool games (Kaiser Sozai?? Actually I think it was Reiner.. something :), but my ultimate favourite was Killer Bunnies!!! Make sure you guys give that a go... it's great for up to 5 players at lunch hour (more makes it take too long) and just crazy fun.
Hey Jeff. I know you said that show was the best on Television, but I'm wondering if you've seen Dexter. That show is absolutely fantastic. Give it a look see if you have the time.
Needless to say, start with the first episode.
As others have said, your comment on Heroes is dead on. That show has just about reached the point where any random game I want to play is a better use of my recreation time.
Kinda a shame.
I missed Heroes last week and have no desire to go back and see what I missed. My wife tried to explain what happened, and it just confirmed for me that I am done with this show.
I do regret missing Pushing Daisies, though, and will catch up on that ASAP.
Thanks for the blogs Jeff. You always apologize for them being infrequent, but it's better then waiting one month for Greenspeak. Like we used to.
Did you notice in the finale debate when Obama said, "Put the video games down."
You Sir, just lost my vote- cool guy.
Cool guy, I heard that reaction before and it's kind of baffeling, I don't think Obama is making a statement against gaming in general when he says that.
He's basically telling people to learn more and work hard by "putting down the video games and turning of the TV"
From what I can tell from the info we get over here, he's right about the education needing a boost...
Yeah that has to be one of McCains weirdest pictures yet.
The tv series Hero's never really interested me. It's a television version of X-men; or so it seems. House on the other hand is a great show. Is Wilson dead? Just curious.
Pain seems to me a theme for you, Jeff, at the end of your blog posts, and I like it. Sure this poor bastard is going to have blue balls for the rest of his life, (Better him than me) but I enjoy seeing mindless idiots get what they deserve - pain. One day my dreams of worldwide idiot extinction will come to fruition. Let's hope it'll be soon.
And as always your blog posts are great. Be safe and enjoy the weather occasionally. The S*** will be here soon. Wait, your in California - lucky punk!
Damm you Jeff I could not agree with you more on House. I also felt the same way about the House and Wilson dispute resolving too quickly. Though in the same episode it was pretty cool that they revealed the origins of Wilson and House's friendship. Also at how they went further into House's daddy issues. turb0 is right about It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, though I don't know if you might have to retrace to the first season since I feel the Older Episodes might be a better starting point to jump into the series if you can find yourself watching this series at all. Very batshit crazy humor in that series. Awesome Post
When you put those painful videos on your blog they make me light-headed. They look so painful to me. Robert Coffey had his animal torturing project but I am beginning to wonder if you don't like a little pain yourself, heh.
Hey Jeff, you ever tried watching Dexter? Truly some great television there. I love this show.
All authors should give up on having their books made in to movies and start looking at the TV miniseries option.
Also, True Blood is shaping up to be a great show as well.
So where's the other post "coming this Weekend", Jeff?! Huh?
LIES I SAY! LIES! This revokes your Lord of the Rings status!
Jeff is awesome.
That is all.
Signed, Budo
boardgame recommendation: settlers. of catan. I'm hooked....
Greenspeak updates: It's what gamers DO WANT!
DAMN! Thanks for the tip on Sons of Anarchy... that is a kick-ass show. I'm sorry I stumbled onto it so late, but that's what torrent is for, I guess :)
A friend of mine owns a family games store where we play board games weekly.
I recently started blogging about the games I've played in the past few weeks, and the group of us just began podcasting our thoughts on them, though we haven't published them yet. So I'd be interested in your opinions, see if there's any correlation in Jeff-based board game opinions.
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