Tuesday, October 30, 2012

GFW Radio Rap - The Lost Verses (2008)

It may not be widely known, and has certainly not been reported on noted websites such as Wikipedia, that the original "CGW Rap" that I "banged out" on our final podcast in 2008 was really only the first verse of a larger composition I had been writing for weeks, in preparation for the full-length rap album I had planned on recording if Dr. Dre would ever return my calls like even once.

Lost and forgotten for generations, these just discovered verses, which I found when sorting through some Word files on a pile of 3.5-inch floppy "disquettes," represent the complete song as originally composed.

A true find for any completist.

"GFW Radio Rap"

GFW Radio
Listen to our podcast
Yo yo

We play PC games
Because we like 'em
If we have a good guest
We fuckin' mic him

GFW Radio
Listen to our podcast
Or go blow

We do five-page interviews
With Sid Meiers
If our intern is a dick
We fuckin' fire him

GFW Radio
Listen to our podcast

If it's turn-based gaming
You know we like it
If it's just a console port
Go take a hike, yeah?

GFW Radio
Listen to our podcast
Yo Yo
GFW Radio
Listen to our podcast
Ok we out yo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad